Forums / The hangaround / Guess the country

Guess the country
17:49:21 Jul 26th 09 - Mr. Roxbury:

This is a field hospital, that is set up every year in July.  Doctors and dentist give basic care, free of charge.. to patients that have no insurance.

25.000 people were treated here over one weekend, and the people queued in lines to get checked out. Some had driven over 200 miles to get there.

Now, guess which country and continent this takes place in? Cambodia? Somewhere in Africa? Maybe in a poor south American suburb?

Notice that they are treating people outside, on wet street pavement.

17:52:13 Jul 26th 09 - Mr. Heroix:


17:56:16 Jul 26th 09 - Sir Santa:

Somewhere in Scandinavia?

17:56:47 Jul 26th 09 - Mr. Twelve Inch Mcsatay:


18:01:53 Jul 26th 09 - Hentai Yellow:

Wise, Virginia.

18:12:15 Jul 26th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:


18:20:51 Jul 26th 09 - Prince Mielo:


18:34:59 Jul 26th 09 - Prince Highwayman:

Agree with Hentai Yellow.  It is in Wise, Virginia, USA.

The full article in the Observer is a pretty damning indictment on insurance companies - makes me wonder just how fictional Rainmaker actually is...

18:36:45 Jul 26th 09 - Mr. Roxbury:

Correct, its in the US. Healthcare on the street for regular people.

18:38:23 Jul 26th 09 - Mr. Roxbury:

Ok next question. This is a 3 day tent city in the street, where homeless Veterans get free dental care. What country?

18:44:18 Jul 26th 09 - Demonslayer The Infidel Killing Kitten:

Western USA  I see a Lake Powell shirt on the one person and it is my guess.

18:55:20 Jul 26th 09 - Prince Mielo:


18:57:06 Jul 26th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

uhm... Canada?

18:59:28 Jul 26th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

Sweden sure looks sunny these days

19:20:09 Jul 26th 09 - Mr. Jet:

definitely sweden, roxbury took these photos himself, from the webcam, on his lappy

20:52:27 Jul 26th 09 - Lady Strawberry Mzzlkshake:

Umm....not Sweden :)

20:52:28 Jul 26th 09 - Sir Santa:

So your point is America's got a shitty healthcaresituation, the world has known that for years... :S

20:56:46 Jul 26th 09 - Sir Big Mac Attack:

Oh oh, guess this one :)

20:57:53 Jul 26th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:


20:59:40 Jul 26th 09 - Prince Highwayman:

Hawaii - I'm fifteenth from the left with the quicksilver boardies.

21:04:35 Jul 26th 09 - Mr. Pieguy:

hawaii is a country? lol

21:06:41 Jul 26th 09 - Sir Big Mac Attack:

Well, to be fair,  Hawaii is as close to being a country as America :)

And yes, it is Hawaii *drool*

21:09:00 Jul 26th 09 - Mr. Roxbury:

So your point is America's got a shitty healthcaresituation, the world has known that for years... :S

Actually, my point is that America thinks that it has the best health care in the world.. meanwhile they have 25.000 people showing up to get basic treatment on wet pavement in the street.

21:09:25 Jul 26th 09 - Prince Highwayman:

Last time I visited VU, Sir Scientist (as he was then) was running a vampire game on an island just like that :-)

21:11:53 Jul 26th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

America doesn't think it has the best healthcare SYSTEM in the world, we know their are issues, thats why there is talks about reforming it (which will kill it in America, no one will want to be a doctor anymore as pay will drop ridiculously), we DO however, have the best healtcare in the world. Most up to date techniques, best equipment, prestigious school programs, etc.

21:12:45 Jul 26th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

And I understand your point about the Field Hospitals, but hey, its good enough for the troops in Iraq, and therefore, should be good enough for everyone.

21:19:08 Jul 26th 09 - Mr. Piece Maker:

Guess the country!

21:20:41 Jul 26th 09 - Wolflord Karac:


21:20:57 Jul 26th 09 - Mr. Reynolds II:


WEll srry to say it but, what does that al matter when you dont have the SYSTEM for everybody to access does prestige1s techniques etc. . America had its golden age, now its imploding slowly. This is just a result of that.

21:26:42 Jul 26th 09 - Hentai Yellow:

Roxbury, it's San Diego in California. USA

Do I get a prize yet?

21:27:22 Jul 26th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

System for everybody? Is it americas fault not everyone can afford it? No. Is it americas fault some people would rather live off of food stamps and government funding, thus raising the taxes for people who work, making some of them unable to afford healthcare? No.

So what, go socialized? So instead of paying 7% of my paycheck for healthcare that is good for me and my family, pay 22% of my paycheck so every lazy motherf*cker can get seen? Hell no. The system may be flawed, but it wouldn't be if people weren't pathetic.

*This is not aimed at ACTUALLY disabled people, they deserve what they get. This IS aimed at pathetic people who claim to be disabled, or just decide to live off the government cheese. It is not my responsibility to care for them.

So Reynolds, get off that horse, and stop saying what you think a sociology techer wants to hear, and face the real facts.

21:36:16 Jul 26th 09 - Mr. Roxbury:

Yeah but Karac, isnt what youre saying now wrong? The "lazy motherf*ckers" and illegal mexicans can and do still get healthcare because its illegal for hospitals to turn them away.

The 47 million uninsured that needs healthcare in the US isnt the lazy ones, its the ones that are too poor to afford insurence but they have enough so that homeless shelters and emergency rooms isnt an option.

21:42:49 Jul 26th 09 - Mr. Angel of Death:

actually not all of them cant afford the health care some are just to big of tight wads to dish out the money and pay for their healthcare so not all of them are to poor to pay for it just the majority are.

21:43:51 Jul 26th 09 - Sir Big Mac Attack:

I  hate to ask a dumb question...but why bother making these threads? :P

Europeans say nothing but socialism is good, US is cr@p

US says socialism is ghey, work and you can succeed

Sweet, now summarized where this thread is going, any questions?  These threads/topics haven't changed in 10 years and will not change in the next 10...

21:48:23 Jul 26th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

If you're going with that Rox, then even the poor ones can get healthcare. Hospitals, as you said, cannot turn them away. They can receive the care, and in the end, it will still be the US taxpayers paying for it. Hospitals get their money one way or another. Trust me on that one.

As for the ones being too poor to afford it, most states offer a healthcare plan, or a card for reduced price care, OR in most areas, a sliding scale, meaning if you don't make more than 16k per year per member in your household, you receive free care. But still, it always comes down to the taxpayers to fund these programs. So, if you cannot afford it, go to school, get a better job. You only live once, I'm going to medschool, you think I can afford 52k a year? No, loans, the end result is worth it though.

21:48:53 Jul 26th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Thank you big mac, made this day easier lol

21:56:21 Jul 26th 09 - Mr. Heroix:

"No, loans, the end result is worth it though."

The end result is Lehman Brothers selling teddy-bears to cover their debts. And economical crisis which is worst not in it's causers America, but in small/ developing countries.

22:03:18 Jul 26th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Lehman Brothers? Where the hell does that come from? Go to the economy thread if you want to talk about that, it has nothing to do with the Healtcare System! Im not saying big business, Im saying work for you're damn self, and you can succeed.

What I'm saying (i'll break it down barney style for you), is that I cannot afford 52k a year for med school, but after school loans, and graduation, I will be able to not only afford the loans, but have a very nice lifestyle. AND anyone can do that, their is tuition assistance programs for EVERY economic class, scholarships, grants, loans, but they do not get accessed. SO, why should I help those, who will not help themselves. EVERYONE can better their lifes if they try. And then, be able to afford their own healthcare.

22:13:49 Jul 26th 09 - Duchess Jasmina:

This tower got drunk... guess the country

22:15:12 Jul 26th 09 - Sir Big Mac Attack:

Drunks??? Must be Russia...

22:17:29 Jul 26th 09 - Wolflord Karac:


22:18:37 Jul 26th 09 - Duchess Jasmina:

Oh my God dont tell me you dont know about this work of art...
The tower that was vertical and then it started leaning over to one side :D

22:24:50 Jul 26th 09 - Sir Big Mac Attack:

I'm an engineer, it's functional or not, there is nothing known as art! :P

22:26:09 Jul 26th 09 - Sir Sleperirth:

It is the inclined tower of Pizza Italia

22:31:50 Jul 26th 09 - Mr. Heroix:


22:58:08 Jul 26th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

so, its not antarctica?? =(

23:06:00 Jul 26th 09 - Sir Sleperirth:

no its Italy

23:11:23 Jul 26th 09 - Mr. Heroix:

So it IS in Antarctica!

23:20:45 Jul 26th 09 - Sir Santa:

Karac, how about a single mom taking care of 3 children who works double shifts at a waitress for a shitty pay, barely enough to pay the rent, with no education? How the fuck is she going to help herself? She can't go to school and study something, she can't get any loans, wtf is she supposed to do when one of her kids gets sick?

23:25:42 Jul 26th 09 - Sir Big Mac Attack:

No no, Italy is completely different than Italy the leader gets to have an affair with a hot lingerie model xD

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